Organic Search Engine Results Explained

Organic searches are the results show by a search engine when a user is looking for a “subject matter”, these are usually made up of multiple words.  Search Engine Optimisation helps organise and index your website properly so that it receives plenty of visibility in search results for your targeted keywords.

You have most likely heard of SEO and how it can increase organic traffic to your website. You may also know that search engines are continually “crawling” the web, looking for fresh and unique content. If you need to, think of giant caterpillars crawling over thousands of tiny little documents, sorting out which ones are the ones people should read and which are misleading. The search engines and looking for many things but most importantly they are looking for relevant information on your site, the links to and from your site and how you organise your site relative to the subject matter. For example, if your site is all about Ants, then the caterpillars will categorize your site under Ants, under Bugs, under Six-legged, and under Creepy Crawlies. If someone searches for “creepy crawly,” then your documentary on Red Ant bites is more likely to come up.

The Search Engines Listen To Your Peers

Search engines are not sentient, and therefore do not know if a site is spam or not. A site which receives many regular visitors is probably not spam and is indexed accordingly by the search engines. The search engines also look at which other sites link to your site and in turn who your site links to. If a site is linked to from reputable sources your site is given “credit points” from the search engines and linking your content to creditable sources can help your rankings. When sites are  repeatedly blocked, reported or ignored by visitors, then it drops in ranking until it is not visible or it is on the bottom of the list in searches.

In addition to this, if a site is not organized according to specific subjects, then it can be regarded as spam by search engines. Keep your subjects, keywords and topic-related items together. Try to avoid setting up a single site devoted to Football, Healthy Foods and SEO. That will confuse the search engines. If these are your three passions, consider setting up a site for each of them and work on the optimisation for each of them accordingly.

Why Organic Searches Are More Cost Effective For Your Website

Let us say that your site on Ants has “Ants” in the title, “six-legged” in the sub-title, and other pages or blog posts which include words like “anthill,” “ant traps,” or “how to get rid of ants.” The search engines understand that these are all related topics and that your site certainly appears to be legitimate. The search engines will index and rank your site accordingly for these key words.

However, let us say that you were sloppy when setting up your site, you know nothing of SEO techniques, and you decide to pay for a PPC ad campaign. The search engines look at your site, see “Ants” in the title, “bowling” in the subtitle, and blog posts of your daily activities on other pages. Since your site is not well-organized on a specific subject, search engines will rank it very low and the only visibility you will receive is from your pay-per-click (PPC) campaign. Once your money has depleted, your visibility will drop to zero. Incorporate proper SEO into your site to keep visibility high when negotiating your ad campaigns. SEO may be more upfront to get your site ranking than PPC, but once your budget runs out with PPC you no longer get traffic compared to SEO where you will be able to maintain high rankings with less investment.